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Wild Salmon With Green Salad

This wild salmon recipe by James Strawbridge is perfect for a midweek meal and is a great way to boost your immune system as the weather gets colder

Wild Salmon With Green Salad Recipe By James Strawbridge

We're back at Strawbridge Kitchen with a seasonal special from James Strawbridge this week.

This wild salmon recipe is my twist on an autumnal salad, served warm and perfect for a midweek meal it's a great way to boost your immune system as the weather gets colder. The roasted broccoli and kale provide a grassy, mineral depth of flavour that works really well with sweet, aromatic salmon and a hint of citrus to blend the two together.

Wild Salmon With Green Salad Recipe

Serves 2


For the salmon:
2 fillets of wild MSC salmon @mscintheuk
1 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp finely chopped rosemary
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Pinch of sea salt flakes
Pinch of cracked black pepper

For the salad:
1 broccoli, stalk and florets roughly chopped
2 spring onions, sliced
Larger handful of curly kale
2 tbsp olive oil
Pinch of Dukkha to garnish [optional]


  1. Preheat your oven to 200˚C. Blanche your broccoli in a pan of salted boiling water for 3-4 mins. Then drain and place on a roasting tray drizzled with oil and seasoned with a small pinch of salt. Roast for 20-25 mins. Add the kale for the last 5 mins so that it wilts and starts to crisp up a bit on the frilly edges.
  2. Heat a non-stick frying pan with a little olive oil. Rub your salt, lemon zest, pepper and rosemary into the fish and cook skin side down. Fry for 4-5 mins until the skin is crispy and starts to brown, then flip over carefully and cook for 2-3 mins on the other side.
  3. Remove the roasted broccoli and kale from the roasting tray and toss with spring onions and lemon juice. Season to taste.
  4. Serve the pan-fried salmon on a bed of the green salad and sprinkle with spicy dukkha to serve.

Recipe Card

Download the recipe card for this delicious Wild Salmon dish. Just click on the image below to download a PDF of the recipe.

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